Excessive RAM Usage on Windows Active Directory DNS Servers

Recently, I helped with a project to replace some older domain controllers (2012) with newer ones (2022). We began experiencing issues with DNS shortly after said migration, which later turned out to be related to a network issue; however we spent the first few hours health checking and examining the new DCs. One thing that … Continue reading Excessive RAM Usage on Windows Active Directory DNS Servers

Microsoft Edge Won’t Start after Windows 10 Upgrade

This was a very frustrating issue that puzzled me for several hours before I figured it out. Essentially, Microsoft Edge would not start for me. Normally I prefer to use Firefox, as it is the safest and most respectful of privacy (in my opinion)... however there are some websites that just do not play nicely … Continue reading Microsoft Edge Won’t Start after Windows 10 Upgrade

“The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive” when running WGET, CURL or Invoke-WebRequest on Windows in Powershell

Hi everyone! It has been awhile since I have posted here. Mostly because I have not run into any frustrating issues recently. However this problem really racked my brain until I figured it out. I was troubleshooting an issue where connecting to a site using any of the PowerShell commands to get web data triggered … Continue reading “The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive” when running WGET, CURL or Invoke-WebRequest on Windows in Powershell

Changing java security restriction for “Network connect error” issue in KVM

This article is a godsend. Thank you Xiaoxiaoke!!!

Updated as of 11/2020 – the problematic item under disabledAlgorithms is “anon”, you can just remove that line item instead of removing all the other items in the list.

Additionally, running the jar from browser seems to always fail. There is a trick you can use to go into Java and launch the Jar from the Temporary Files button under the General tab in the Java control panel. You must attempt to run it from the browser first so the Avocent device knows to create your session and give you a config file to run.

Ke Xu | Geek World

I am using KVM to manage the servers in a rack. When launching the session jnlp files with javaws, I saw the “Network connect error” message. This is due to the default java security restriction on SSL/TLS algorithms. Need to change the security configuration file to solve this issue.

Environment: Dell KVM 4322DS


1. Open the file /etc/java-7-openjdk/security/java.security as superuser

2. Comment out the line with the key jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms

3. Add this line below and save the file:

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, EC, ECDHE, ECDH


1. Add the KVM IP into the exception site list

Open Control Panel -> Java

In Java Control Panel -> select Security tab -> Edit Site List -> Add the KVM IP “http://X.X.X.X

Open the file as admin: Windows -> Program Files (x86) -> Java -> jre1.8.0_51 -> lib -> security -> java.security

2. Comment out the line with the key jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms

3. Add this…

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